Game for Galop
Game for Galop to unlock the lives of young LGBT+ people facing abuse and violence today.
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Game for LGBT+ Youth!
Did you know that gaming can have a positive impact? By gaming for Galop, you could help fund our National LGBT+ Youth Abuse and Violence service.
In the past year, more than 60% more young LGBT+ people have come to Galop for help after experiencing abuse like physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, kidnapping, human trafficking and homelessness.
More than 80% of LGBT+ victims and survivors Galop surveyed told us they had little or no access to specialist LGBT+ support services where they lived.
We believe that no young LGBT+ person should miss out on life-saving, specialist support.
With your help, Galop could provide LGBT+ young victims of abuse with crisis funds for food and clothing; access to emergency housing and provide ongoing emotional and practical support.
Game for good to unlock the futures of LGBT+ youth experiencing abuse and violence
young people every week
On average, Galop supports three young people every week who are in a state of extreme crisis
We've seen an over 30% increase in the number of young victims & survivors asking for help after experiencing anti-LGBT+ abuse & violence in the past year
have no support
Most LGBT+ people experienced abuse & violence in places with few or no specialist LGBT+ services. This Halloween, you could help change this.