Resources & publications
Resources and publications about LGBT+ experiences of hate crime, domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of abuse.

Hate Crime Report 2021
Our latest report into anti-LGBT+ hate crime shows that 3 in 5 LGBT+ people experiencing hate crime want and need help, but only 1 in…

Trans privacy law
Everyone has the right for their personal information to be kept safe by organisations they talk to. On top of that, trans people have extra…

Tackling online anti-LGBT+ hate crime
This information sheet gives advice to LGBT+ people who have been targeted by online hate crime. It also gives advice about how to stand up…

What is online anti-LGBT+ hate speech and hate crime?
This information sheet answers questions for LGBT+ people about online hate speech and hate crime. Online anti-LGBT+ hate speech is any online communication or expression…

Public sex environments and hate crime: a guide for police
Gay and bisexual men who visit PSEs (outdoor spaces visited by people to meet for consensual sex) can face high levels of hate crime. …

Hate crime: a guide for LGBT+ people
This handbook is a guide for LGBT+ people who have experienced homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, or any type of ant-LGBT+ hate. It includes information on…

The term harassment can mean different things, and harassment can take place in different settings. Different types of harassment are also covered by different laws,…

Working with victims of anti-LGBT+ hate crimes
This handbook provides people working with those who have experienced anti-LGBT+ hate crimes a practical tool on how to address and accommodate LGBT+ people’s…

This information sheet provides advice on transphobia and transphobic hate crime. It provides some suggestions on how you can get help if you experience transphobia. Sometimes…