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National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence0800 999 5428

Email help@galop.org.uk


20-year-old Kester came out to their parents as trans non-binary two years ago. They are terrified of going home this winter.

Ever since Kester* came out to their parents, they have experienced relentless transphobia and emotional and psychological abuse. Kester was extremely lonely and distressed – they were manipulated, isolated from everyone and threatened to be kicked out of the family home.  

To avoid homelessness, Kester was pushed to deny being trans. 

While at home, Kester felt like there was no escape and had suicidal thoughts.  

Going to university has given Kester their only respite from this hostile family environment. At university, they’ve formed friendships, accessed counselling services and started to feel a sense of belonging.  

While Galop has been supporting Kester with safety planning and thinking of reasonable and safe steps towards a more independent life, Kester feels forced to deny their true self around their parents.  

And with the winter break fast approaching, Kester is terrified to return home.  

Kester’s Galop advocate will continue supporting them through this difficult period and beyond, as they keep working to secure their independence.  


*Names and some details have been changed to protect the anonymity of our clients. 

To help us continue to be there for people like Kester, please consider donating to our winter appeal today.

I can donate this winter