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    Hi guys

    Not sure if i am doing this right because i have just joined.

    Does anyone have any success storied with getting support and being able to get out? Is that possible?

    I built up the courage to apply for a house which I have never done before (always owned or private) but it was horrific, they had a full team and an admin team who had access to what i was sending and they just kept asking over and over for more proof, i sent them everything i could and when i started getting messages from loads of different people i asked them to delete my messages so they withdrew my application.

    I contacted my MP and they spoke with the council who said i would need to re submit my application.

    My biggest worry is that when [detail removed by moderator] the hospital contacted the police but I said it was an accident because he was sat next to me so i have nothing to show and it looks like i turned down help when i could have received it but i just didnt think at the time and i dont even know why i didnt tell the police.

    Just wondering if anyone has actually got out and if you have how did you?


    Hi @Helpinggetaway – thank you so much for joining us here. You’re doing this right; I’m so glad you’re asking about this because thinking about leaving is such an important and scary time, and asking for help and information to do it safely and in the right way for you is key.

    It sounds like it could be really helpful for you to have the support of a domestic abuse organisation for this. Anyone who supports you will be going at your pace and not rushing you to tell them anything or make decisions you’re not ready for. But you won’t be the first person they’ll have supported who has had to lie and say something was an accident, or who had to turn down support. This is really common for people experiencing abuse.

    If you’d like to talk to us directly, you can call on 0800 999 5428, or e-mail help@galop.org.uk. We can find your local support services and put you in touch with them, if that’s what you want.

    I will let other users chip in – I’m sure they’ve got a lot to say about some of the things they struggled with around leaving, and also what helped them and made it possible for them to get out.

    Take care,
    The helpline team

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