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National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence0800 999 5428

Email help@galop.org.uk



Galop has been working with men who have experienced sexual violence in a chemsex context since 2010. We have years of experience in understanding what happens and how to help survivors navigate their choices. We offer:

  • A non-judgemental, informed listening service
  • Specialist advice about the options for reporting
  • An anonymous intelligence pathway to pass on information about perpetrators
  • Help to navigate potential consequences, for example in relation to drugs offences and whether an employer might be told about a survivor’s drug-taking
  • Help to find drug, mental health and counselling support.

We may not be able to help if someone is in a severe mental health crisis but we can give advice to survivors and other professionals.

Key facts about chemsex

Find out more information about chemsex

Key facts about chemsex

Chemsex and consent - what the law says

Find out more about what the law says about chemsex and consent

Chemsex and consent – what the law says