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Staying safe online when accessing LGBT+ domestic abuse support

This information sheet offers advice on how to keep and stay safe online while seeking information and help on domestic abuse.  Getting help online The internet is an incredible resource for getting help but comes with certain risks which are important to take into account. Whether chatting to support services, downloading information sheets like this one or just searching for […]

Chemsex and consent – what the law says

This factsheet is part of a series for men who participate in chemsex and who want to know more about consent in a chemsex context. The factsheet provides information on what the law says about consent and some of the issues around ensuring consent within chemsex spaces. The factsheet will also provide information on how […]

Wellbeing and self care

Experiencing anti-LGBT+ hate can be very challenging and difficult, and impact your wellbeing.  This information sheet offers some suggestions on how you can work towards improving your wellbeing if you are experiencing harassment or abuse.  Anti-LGBT+ hate can cause emotional stress, and it can be easy to overlook the small but significant activities and behaviours that increase […]

Laws that cover hate crime

This information sheet explains how the law can protect LGBT+ people from different types of hate. Sometimes it’s obvious that you’ve experienced a hate crime, but it can often be less clear, such as when people make prejudiced comments or offensive jokes. If you feel that someone has done or said something that was motivated […]

Consenting to sex

This information sheet answers some questions about what the law says on consenting to sex. Specifically, it deals with questions about situations when you might feel unsure about whether you’ve agreed to sex or when you feel something is wrong but you’re not sure about it. If this information sheet doesn’t answer your specific question, […]

Free to be me zine

This interactive ‘zine was produced by both Galop and Gendered Intelligence Youth Group to address some of the issues around tackling transphobia.    The ‘zine is the result of Gendered Intelligence Youth Group and members of Galop staff exploring questions around transphobia, trans rights, and options for support and help.   

British retail giant Lush and Galop come together to show realities of conversion therapy

We’re so excited to team up with Lush to reveal the reality of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ in the UK and call for an immediate and inclusive ban.    Galop and Lush’s new animation show the stories of real survivors of conversion practices. You can learn more about Joe, Alex and Grace’s stories here: weare.lush.com/have-a-heart-campaign/   Across […]

What is online anti-LGBT+ hate speech and hate crime?

This information sheet answers questions for LGBT+ people about online hate speech and hate crime.  Online anti-LGBT+ hate speech is any online communication or expression that promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence against any individual because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Hate speech does not necessarily involve crime being committed but can […]