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National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence0800 999 5428

Email help@galop.org.uk

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Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is any kind of threating behaviour committed by a family member or current or ex intimate partner.

Fundraise for us

Galop has been supporting LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence for nearly 40 years, and with your help we can be here as long as we’re needed. There are so many ways to raise money to help us help others. Our brilliant supporters have run races, done challenges, held events at school or […]


Early Days: 1982 – 1984 ​​​In June 1982 the Gay London Police Monitoring Group was created, in part to expose the systematic harassment of the gay and lesbian communities by the police, but also to educate those communities about their rights. At first, it was a voluntary grouping of lawyers and interested parties providing a service […]


Stalking means being persistently targeted and followed by someone, whether online, offline or both. Stalking is often persistent, long-lasting and has a significant impact on victims.  We work with stalking when it is part of domestic abuse, conversion therapies, or honour-based abuse, especially for children and young adults. We also work closely with expert organisations, such as the National Stalking Helpline […]

Conversion Therapy Helpline update

We’re pleased to announce our National Conversion Therapy Helpline has received Government funding to keep the lines open and to expand the support we’re able to offer to all LGBT+ victims of conversion “therapies”. We are incredibly grateful to every single person who donated so generously to help us set up and run the helpline […]