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National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence0800 999 5428

Email help@galop.org.uk

Search results

Support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse and honour-based violence

This resource outlines LGBT+ people’s experiences of domestic abuse and lists ways Galop can help. This is the English version of all of our ‘other language’ domestic abuse resources.   Support for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Honour Based Violence Domestic abuse is any kind of behaviour, action, or abuse between people who have been intimate partners or […]

Acephobia and anti-asexual hate crime

Asexual and aromantic people can face prejudice and hate crime, which service providers and criminal justice agencies have a duty to tackle. The information below aims to assist services to better understand and serve the needs of ace people who experience hate crime. Prevalence of acephobia Whilst social awareness is growing, asexuality and aromanticism are still not […]


Malachi contacted Galop after reporting being raped by a male acquaintance that they had met online.


Who can you talk to if you’re a victim of blackmail? Blackmail can take place in different settings, including online, your home, your place of work, your school or via the phone or the internet. The person carrying out the blackmail might be a stranger, an acquaintance, neighbour or groups of people living nearby, an […]


Aisha was facing transphobic harassment on social media. People created groups to insult her, out her and share pre-transition photos.

Domestic violence and abuse and LGBT+ communities

This information sheet offers advice on what constitutes domestic violence and abuse and outlines some of the unique aspects of domestic abuse as experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender + (LGBT+) people. Your safety should always be your first priority and if you are ever in immediate danger, call the police on 999. Local […]

Emergency accommodation and housing support for LGBT+ survivors of domestic abuse

This factsheet offers information on the emergency housing and support options open to LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse.  Finding yourself without a safe home If it’s unsafe for you to remain in your home or you are forced to leave because of domestic abuse, support exists to help you find a safe place to live. […]

Consenting to sex

This information sheet answers some questions about what the law says on consenting to sex. Specifically, it deals with questions about situations when you might feel unsure about whether you’ve agreed to sex or when you feel something is wrong but you’re not sure about it. If this information sheet doesn’t answer your specific question, […]

Criminal injuries compensation

If you have suffered an injury as the result of an anti-LGBT+ attack, sexual assault or abuse or domestic violence, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the government.  This information sheet provides tells you about the Criminal Injuries Compensation Claim, and how we can support you with this. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is […]

Trans privacy law

Everyone has the right for their personal information to be kept safe by organisations they talk to.  On top of that, trans people have extra legal protections if they have applied for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) to get the law to recognise their gender. This information sheet answers some questions about legal protections for […]